Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Ok now I have been pretty upset about this so-called organization. I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what it is they exactly do? So, I gave them a true test of validity. I invited the BSA FOUNDER & Members to go with me to the City of Santa Monica City Council Meeting. The meeting was held less than a mile from the site they claim as the MECCA of Black Surfing, Inkwell Beach. For those of you like SMC's City Council, Inkwell Beach was a 200ft roped off stretch of SM Beach at the end of Pico & Bay St. The council had other important items on the agenda such as dog parks, smoking outside in the open free air, etc....I waited a total of 6 and 1/2 hours to speak. Now is my time...I swallowed looked around NO BSA! and words that I have no memory of spilled from my lips. All I can remember is .."In consideration of Black History Month and with the decline of morals and values in this country, not to mention to two recent deaths of Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott-King I would like to ask the council to place a plaque at the site of Inkwell Beach", heads looked around, the tired members of the panel woke up from their naps in attention....WHAT IS SHE TALKING ABOUT was the look du jour(wink). It's televised Rokki keep talking.... I explained to the members what it meant to me and who Nicolas Gabaldon amazement and after the buzzer rang... I said thank you and walked away....A council member asked "Ms. Harper, Where EXCATLY is Inkwell Beach"? Stunned at the fact that the city council had no knowledge of... I simply said "At the end of Pico and Bay St. there is a millienum plaque honoring a tree and storm gutter is all that remains of black history. I am not asking for a lot of money just a plaque.Thank you" As I walked away the MAYOR of Santa Monica said, "Please call the city manager's office tomorrow." NOW WHO IS ABOUT IT AND WHO AIN"T? The BSA stands for Bull Sh***ing A**es! If you are going to talk about it, BE ABOUT IT!

Now I feel like I have done my part, let's see what they do from here on....